It appears to be an arena build, so I will reserve any serious judgement. I will however make a couple of reccomendations:
- Drop Iron Mist for Ward Against Melee. Yes, Iron Mist has that big impressive 90%, but really it's not going to help you or your team much.
- Drop Chain Lightning for Blinding Flash; one of the best utility skills an Ele has. No, it doesn't do any damage, but it will keep those annoying W/Mos and interrupt spamming rangers off your face. Not to mention keeping exhaustion at bay for a while.
- You have no elite, and you have energy problems. Drop Obsidian Flame for Ether Prodigy. You don't really need Obs Flame when you already have Orb, and you can spec maybe down to 10 in earth to bump up air. Ether Prodigy will allow you to spam the spells you do have a lot more.
- Drop energy storage to 10 to bump Air up further.